Anne's Awkward Adventure

A semester's journey into the world of technology.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

UDL, Fair Use..ok...

This week in class we covered a lot of material. We discussed UDL (Universal Design for Learning) which is a concept of integrating technology into the classroom while allowing differentiation for students' learning needs. I learned of different learning styles students have: recogniton learning, strategic learning, affective learning. I had never heard of UDL. I learned it is similar to Differentiated Instruction which I am familiar with. My mother has held many meetings and conferences on the use of Differentiated Instruction. (For more information on UDL, click here.)Also, I learned much needed information regarding the legality of using information. I now understand circumstances in which I can use copyrighted materials. I did not know it was such a hot topic in education.
I believe UDL can definitely be implemented into the classroom. For an elementary classroom, I believe simple stories for learning of reading can be used. The stories can be printed in a tangible format, in digital text, recorded, and animated. The different applications allow for more understanding of a story and learning of vocabulary. I am happy to learn "Fair Use" guidelines because I know I will use video clips in my classroom because children enjoy visual representations of topics. Video clips allow for the reading to come to life.
Another thought that I am starting to comprehend is that technology is vital in the classroom. Yet, I wonder actually how affective UDL is? Is there significant research supporting it?
Until next time...


At 9:55 PM, Blogger Curby Alexander said...

I would say there is a pretty good amount of research supporting the assistive technologies that UDL calls for. UDL is not really a teaching method, so it's hard to measure it's effectiveness. Even teaching strategies marketed as "scientifically based" are not guaranteed to work for every child.


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