Anne's Awkward Adventure

A semester's journey into the world of technology.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Science in the classroom...complicated?

In class this week, we discussed several topics including: science education, digital images in the science classroom, and simulations. We discussed exactly what is science education, as many fields ranging from zoology to botany compose science. (Here is an interesting video regarding the definiton of science.) There are various strands that are woven through Virginia's SOLs; I did not know this. Scientific investigation, force and energy, matter, life processes, and resources are some of the strands. Next, we discussed digital images. Science contains many processes that are unobservable to the naked eye; they are either too small or occur too fast or too slow. CameraScope is a tool that captures video and pictures making these processes observable. Furthermore, many processes are not concrete and change. Thus, simulations are a great educational application for students to manipulate and understand the abstract processes or cycles. Explore learning is a useful tool for simulations. Finally, we were given a project to present to the class. My group (Sara, Katherine, Erica, Christina, and myself) are going to present on the topic of Cognitive Disability Devices. We will need to integrate technology into the presentation.

In the classroom, the use of digital images for science education will be very important. I could take pictures of the same landscape every week and compile the pictures in a time elapsed manner. The resulting product would allow students to observe the seasons in their 'own backyard.' Furthermore, I believe simulations would be a great tool for the secondary science classroom--especially for biology and chemistry. The numerous cycles (such as Nitrogen) and the chemical compounds could be simulated allowing students to manipulate the different components. In the elementary classroom, simulations could be used for understanding the water cycle.

The question I am left with is whether there is a free download site for simulations?

And, I do not think science in the classroom will be complicated.

Until next time...


At 5:42 PM, Blogger Sara F said...

Hi Anne,
I also really like the idea of taking pictures of backyards or the environment around the school to see the change in seasons. I just hope that if I try to do that, I will remember to keep taking the pictures! I am also curious about the sites for simulations - it would be great to have a reliable source for those because I think it would be great to bring those into the classroom.


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